how to get rid of cockroaches in spain

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Spain?

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If you’re asking yourself how to get rid of cockroaches in Spain, you’re in the right place.

Read on for insider tips from my 15-year living in Spain. And seeing a lot of cockroaches on the streets and occasionally at home.

how to get rid of cockroaches in spain using spray or bait

Yes, it’s common in Spain to sometimes find roaches in your home (like, one roach yearly). They are on an expedition to find food and a place to breed.

Not in your and my home, though, right?

My home is sparklingly clean, and I have zero tolerance for insects. In this guide, I’ll share with you how to get rid of them and how to keep them away.

Sanitation and Prevention

First and basic step. Without this one, nothing will work.

  • Cleanliness: Regularly clean kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and other areas where cockroaches are likely to gather. Wipe up spills, crumbs, and grease promptly.
  • Food Storage: Store food in airtight containers and avoid leaving pet food out overnight.
  • Moisture Control: Fix leaks and ensure proper ventilation to reduce humidity, which attracts cockroaches.
  • Entry Points: Seal cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and around pipes to prevent cockroaches from entering.

Cockroach Baits and Traps

  • Baits: Cockroach baits contain insecticides that attract and kill cockroaches. Follow the product instructions to place baits in areas where cockroaches are active.
  • Traps: Cockroach traps capture cockroaches without using insecticides. They can be used to monitor infestations or as a non-toxic control method.


  • Sprays: Insecticidal sprays can be used to target cockroaches and their hiding places directly. Choose sprays formulated explicitly for cockroaches and follow safety instructions. These work the best.
  • Powders: Insecticidal powders can be applied in cracks and crevices where cockroaches travel.

How to Say Cockroach in Spanish?

To order and finally get rid of cockroaches in kitchen or bedroom, you need ABC of Spanish regarding cockroaches.

Around 27% of people in Spain speak English, and even those speak it to some degree. A much smaller percentage can speak It fluently, sooooo…

…from my experience, you will need to learn 4 Spanish words.

Just imagine – you will be able to tell stories about how you learned ‘cucaracha’ and then conquered infestation on your Spanish holiday!

You’ll be grandchildren’s hero – who else do you know who can do it?

– Spain Travel Insider

OK, humour aside, here’s your ‘Cockroach vocabulary’.

  • Cockroach = Cucaracha (pronounced koo-ka-RA-cha)
  • Cockroach gel = Gel para cucarachas (pronounced hel pa-ra koo-kah-RA-chas)
  • Cockroach powder = Polvo para cucarachas (pronounced pol-vo para koo-ka-RA-chas)
  • Cockroach bait = Cebo para cucarachas (pronounced se-bo pa-ra koo-ka-RA-chas)
  • Cockroach spray = Spray para cucarachas (pronounced spray pa-ra koo-ka-RA-chas)

Cockroach Products by Type Available Online in Spain

Ordering online is the easiest way to get anti-roach insecticides.

Several products to get rid of cockroaches are available online in Spain. Search for them on Google, but Amazon also has them.

  • Baits: Raid, Blattanex, Goliath Gel, Advion Cockroach Gel Bait
  • Traps: Cucal Cucarachas, Raid Max Cucarachas, CatchMaster
  • Sprays: Blattanex, Bloom Max, Baygon cucarachas
  • Powders: Cucal, Blattanex

Most Popular and Available Brand Names

  • Baygon: A well-known brand offering various cockroach control products, including sprays, gels, and traps.  
  • Cucal: Another famous brand with a range of insecticides specifically designed for cockroaches.
  • Bloom: Offers eco-friendly cockroach control solutions that are safer for children and pets.
  • Raid: This brand is known for its powerful cockroach sprays and traps.

Cockroach Insecticides in Brick and Mortar Stores

In Spain, products to get rid of cockroaches can be found in normal stores:

  1. Supermarkets: Supermarkets like Mercadona, Consum, Aldi, Carrefour, and Eroski have a dedicated section for household cleaning and pest control products. Look for cockroach baits, traps, sprays, and powders in this area.
  2. Drugstores and Pharmacies: Farmacias often stock a range of pest control products, including those for cockroaches. They may offer over-the-counter and stronger insecticides requiring a pharmacist’s consultation.
  3. Hardware Stores and Ferreterias: These stores typically carry a wider selection of insecticides and pest control tools, including specialized products for cockroach elimination.
  4. Gardening Centers: Some gardening centres also stock pest control products for both indoor and outdoor use. Check the pesticide section for cockroach control options.
  5. Specialized Pest Control Stores: While less common, stores are dedicated to pest control products and equipment. These stores usually have knowledgeable staff who can advise and recommend the most effective solutions for your situation.

Cockroach Insecticide Ingredients in Spain and How They Work

The active ingredients in cockroach insecticides vary depending on the product.


  • Products: Baygon cockroach gel, Cucal spray, some Bloom traps.
  • How it works: A systemic insecticide, meaning it is absorbed by the cockroach when they eat or touch it. It then disrupts their nervous system, leading to paralysis and death. It also has a secondary effect, where poisoned cockroaches carry the insecticide back to the nest, infecting others.


  • Products: Some formulations of Baygon, certain Cucal cockroach baits.
  • How it works: Fipronil is a systemic insecticide similar to imidacloprid. Although it acts more slowly, it’s highly effective and has a long residual effect, meaning it remains active for a longer duration in the environment.


  • Products: Primarily found in cockroach sprays like Raid and some Cucal variants.
  • How it works: This insecticide kills cockroaches when they are in direct contact with it. It quickly acts on their nervous system, causing rapid paralysis and death.


  • Products: Similar to cypermethrin, found in sprays like Raid and certain Cucal products.
  • How it works: It’s another contact insecticide that has a rapid effect on the cockroach’s nervous system. It’s known for its fast knockdown effect and long residual activity.

Other Ingredients

  • Attractants: Many products, especially gels and baits, contain attractants like sugars or fats to lure cockroaches towards the insecticide.
  • Bittering Agents: Some products may contain bittering agents to deter children and pets from consuming them.

When to Call Professional Pest Control

If DIY methods fail or the infestation is severe, consider hiring a professional pest control service. They have the expertise and specialized products to eliminate cockroaches effectively.

Important Considerations

  • Safety: When using insecticides, follow the product instructions carefully and take precautions to avoid exposure to children and pets.
  • Persistence: Cockroach elimination often requires a combination of methods and persistence to achieve complete eradication.
  • If you have pets or children, opt for products designed to be safe for them or consider using traps or baits instead of sprays.

By implementing these strategies and using appropriate products, you can successfully get rid of cockroaches in your Spanish home, apartment, or even hotel.

Questions And Answers on How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Spain

Q: How do you get rid of cockroaches in Spain?

A: There are various methods to get rid of cockroaches in Spain, ranging from DIY solutions to professional pest control. Some common methods include:

Homemade remedies: Borax and sugar bait, baking soda and sugar bait, diatomaceous earth.

Commercial products: Insecticides, bait stations, cockroach gels.

Professional pest control: If the infestation is severe, hiring professionals is the most effective option.

Q: What is the fastest way to get rid of roaches?

A: The fastest way to get rid of roaches is usually to call a professional pest control service. They have the knowledge and tools to quickly and effectively eliminate an infestation.  

Q: What helps roaches stay away?

A: Maintaining a clean and dry environment, sealing cracks and crevices, and storing food in airtight containers can help deter roaches.  

Q: What do cockroaches hate the most?

A: Cockroaches hate cleanliness, light, and certain smells like peppermint, citrus, and bay leaves.

Q: What smell will keep cockroaches away?

A: Strong scents like peppermint oil, citrus peels, bay leaves, garlic, and coffee grounds can help deter cockroaches.

Q: What kills roaches most effectively?

A: Professional-grade insecticides are the most effective at killing roaches. However, for DIY solutions, boric acid and borax-based baits are often successful.

Q: Does vinegar get rid of cockroaches?

A: Vinegar alone may not kill cockroaches, but it can act as a cleaning agent and repellent due to its strong smell.  

Q: How do you make roaches run away?

A: You can make roaches run away by spraying them with a mixture of water and essential oils like peppermint or citrus, or by sprinkling diatomaceous earth in areas where they frequent.

Q: What is the best roach deterrent?

A: The best roach deterrent depends on the situation. Maintaining cleanliness and using strong-smelling repellents like peppermint oil or bay leaves can be effective.

Q: What are roaches attracted to?

A: Cockroaches are attracted to food, moisture, warmth, and dark hiding places.

Q: Are roaches repelled by anything?

A: Yes, roaches are repelled by strong scents like peppermint, citrus, and bay leaves, as well as by cleanliness and light.  

Q: What can I spray in my room to keep roaches away?

A: You can spray a mixture of water and peppermint or citrus essential oils in your room to deter roaches.

Q: What can I put around my house to get rid of roaches?

A: You can place borax and sugar bait, baking soda and sugar bait, or diatomaceous earth around your house to get rid of roaches.

Q: What is the best homemade roach killer?

A: A mixture of borax and sugar is often considered an effective homemade roach killer.

Q: How do I get rid of cockroaches permanently?

A: Permanently getting rid of cockroaches requires consistent cleanliness, sealing entry points, using deterrents, and potentially professional pest control.

Q: What smell do roaches absolutely hate?

A: Roaches strongly dislike peppermint oil, citrus peels, and bay leaves.

Q: What spray kills roaches instantly?

A: Professional-grade insecticides are designed to kill roaches instantly, but DIY solutions may take longer.

Q: What kills roaches the fastest?

A: Professional-grade insecticides are the fastest way to kill roaches.

Q: What will make roaches leave?

A: Cleanliness, light, and strong smells like peppermint and citrus will make roaches leave.

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